If you're new to Smoke Cleansing, or just want to grab everything you need in one pack, this is the perfect product for you.
This Ritual Kit includes a herbal wand, an abalone shell for your herbal wand ash, salt to put in the abalone shell for extinguishing the wand and a feather to fan the smoke of your herbal wand.
Kit includes: Herbal Wand Abalone Shell Feather Salt Direction Card
HERBAL WAND DETAILS: Mugwort Flowers Lemon Quartz Crystal 100% Cotton thread
Use your Happiness herbal wand to remove negative vibrations of any kind, replacing them with a positive higher energy frequency.
AFFIRMATION "I am in charge of how I feel, and I choose to feel happy."
Hand wrapped herbal wand of mugwort, and dried flowers, infused with the crystal energy of raw Lemon Quartz or Clear Quartz for powerful intention setting. A powerful addition to your daily rituals.
LEMON QUARTZ - Raises energy to the highest possible level. Unblocks and clears stagnant energy. Brings optimism.